My Girlfriend Tells Someone She "Appreciates" My Little “PENIS”: Advise me!

Image result for small dick  MEME"

My girlfriend came home from her office Christmas thingy and I told her what was bothering me. 

She then told me Susan just said I had a small dick because she thinks I am too effeminate and that she would never talk about my genitals. I guess it's just a self-esteem problem. Thank you guys you are right. My girlfriend is a keeper.

I know this sounds odd but it won't get out of my head.

We had a big friend get together yesterday. And at parties you split up in little groups and stuff.
I was drinking with some buddies and got tired so I went looking for my gf. They were in one of the rooms and the girls were talking about their intimate life. I wasn't even going to listen in but then my girlfriend said "I don't care about size". I didn't think anything of it but our friend "Susan" then said. 

My girlfriend then went "and I appreciate that Susan. I don't need a horse cock to feel something"

Then I interrupted then. First I wasn't thinking about that but this comment is bothering me so much and idk why..... I haven't talked to her.

Advise me: Should I talk to her about it, or will it break our relationship for her to reveal such a discrete matter?

From a side view,
I think his gf didn’t say that he had a tiny penis at all. She said she was a fan and also stated that the guy does not have to have a horse cock for her to enjoy your dick.

I think, 
He should be happy that hen has a girl that will stand up for him without revealing too much info about his nether regions. She sounds classy and smart.

But don’t get it twisted, 
 Don’t let your insecurities twist the words she said. You have no reason to be insecure, your gf likes your man parts and Susan got put in her place. 

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The Top 7 Pitiful Or Nice Images Of What Children Eat Around The Whole World

We already know about cultural diversity. We already know that Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. 

The phrase cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences. The phrase "cultural diversity" is also sometimes used to mean the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole.

 Globalization is often said to have a negative effect on the world's cultural diversity.  But we are up for something.
Let’s quickly see the Top 7 Pitiful or Nice Images of What Children Eat Around the Whole World.

#5. 10 Year Old Abdul

Abdul is 10 and he loves Kibbeh. Syria’s second-largest city Aleppo, has over seventeen varieties. 

Kibbeh, also kubba and other spellings, is a Levantine dish made of bulgur, minced onions, and finely ground lean beef, lamb, goat, or camel meat with Middle Eastern spices. Other types of kibbeh may be shaped into balls or patties, and baked, cooked in broth, or served raw. 

Kibbeh is like a type of dumpling made primarily of bulgur with a variety of meats, vegetables, and spices added. Life for children in Syria can be unbearable with many living without shelter, food, or clean water. 

Abdul is two years overdue for a life-saving heart operation that he probably won’t get. His family lives in a tent city with sixty thousand other “internally displaced persons”.

#4. 10 Year Old Artyom of Ukraine

For sure, Ukraine has a varied set of national dishes that resemble those of many neighboring nations formerly in the Soviet Union. 

Top 10 Ukraine National Dishes

  • Hamburgers, U.S. Although the origins of the hamburger are disputed, there is no argument over the popularity of this classic dish. ...
  • Ackee and Saltfish, Jamaica. ...
  • Coo-Coo and Flying Fish, Barbados. ...
  • Bulgogi, Korea. ...
  • Kibbeh, Lebanon/Syria. ...
  • Goulash, Hungary. ...
  • Wiener Schnitzel, Austria. ...
  • Pot-au-Feu, France.

 Out of the above, one national dish that stands out is holubtsi which is a cabbage roll filled with almost anything you can imagine, though usually beef, lamb, or pork seasoned with garlic, onion, and spices. 

It is a favorite of Artyom (aged 10), pictured above, who still gets headaches from the shelling in 2014, and has to visit the doctor a few times a month to have his eyesight checked.
The wonderful thing about cabbage roll is that the dish is common to the cuisines of the Balkans, Central, Northern, Eastern Europe, Armenia, Greece, Azerbaijan and Iran, as well as West Asia and Northern China.

#3. Neo of Afghanistan

Fragrant rice dish Kabuli palaw is the national dish of Afghanistan. Afghan rice or kabuli Pulao is a dish that combines raisins, carrots, and lamb for a truly aromatic experience.

But Neo, pictured here, prefers Sheer Khurma which is a sweet dish made of vermicelli, saffron, milk, sugar, nuts, dates, and rose water. It is a festive dish with Muslim origins.
The average wage in Afghanistan is $135 a month and children (who legally cannot work under the age of 14) are paid even less to work in dangerous conditions.

The big time point about Neo’s food is that Sheer khurma or sheer khorma is a festival vermicelli pudding prepared by Muslims on Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indian subcontinent and parts of Central Asia. It is a traditional Muslim festive breakfast, and a dessert for celebrations.

#2. Congo

Moambe Chicken is the national dish of the Congo. 

Palm butter or palm cream, frequently known as moambe, mwambe or nyembwe, is an ingredient made from the pericarp of palm nuts, the fruit of the African oil palm tree. It forms an important ingredient in stews and sauces in African cuisine.

More so,
It is made by combining chicken, Congolese spices, and palm butter (made from the fruit of the palm tree) to make a thick stew. It is also a popular dish in Gabon and Angola. Congo has a serious problem with child trafficking and child soldiers. If you are born in the Congo like Dira pictured above, there is a 10% chance of dying before you turn five.

#1. United States of America

Lol. This is James Charles. He became a YouTube Celebrity at sixteen years of age with a channel focused on makeup. 

Charles Dickinson is an American Internet personality, beauty YouTuber and make-up artist. In 2016, he became the first male ambassador for CoverGirl.

He lives in Los Angeles and is worth twelve million dollars. His favorite food (judging by his Twitter feed) is junk food—especially French fries!

Below is his food...


 #6. Bangladesh

 Rubel is 12 years old and he works in a factory that makes metal utensils. He earns $5 per week.


 His Food,


#7. North Korea   

Ji-seok is 10 and lives in North Korea. His father earns $1,000 a year which is the average wage. Ji-seok Loves chatting with friends online which is now possible with the government-sanctioned Red Star operating system.

Can you imagine that this little dude earns $1,000 a year? N300,000+. Hmm.

 Photo credits: CNN |  Ebtesam Ahmed | Unicef

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My Girlfriend Tells Someone She "Appreciates" My Little “PENIS”: Advise me!

My girlfriend came home from her office Christmas thingy and I told her what was bothering me.  She then told me Susan just said...