My Mystery Story of Failing Jamb 3 Times: Wasted Years

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I wrote and failed Jamb three times before I finally decided to pick up a pre-degree form. I was told that if i did well in the pre-degree program, I would only be admitted into the Faculty of Education; this means I would end up being a teacher. I felt bad because I wanted to study banking and finance and work in a bank as that was the in-thing then.

Harry Owanaba sai,
I thank God I studied education because I later discovered I was a teacher. This is what I want you to see. At the collection of a Jamb Form, so many destinies have been changed or derailed. So many people are going to waste the next 4-7yrs of their lives in the four walls of a school because they would fill a course on a Jamb Form that has nothing to do with them.

 These students struggle throughout this period. They find lectures boring, fail and repeat courses and end up with a certificate that they might not use

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As a Parent, it is your responsibility to discover the destiny of your children at an early stage and help them to harness their gift. By the time they are preparing to enter the university, you already know what course they are to study and the best school rendering that course

As a student, in case you don't have parents that could guide you rightly, you could look inward and pray to your creator to show you your purpose.

If you are going to be a musician, you should study music; If you are going to be a business owner, you should study business in school etc

Harry shards his Jamb script...

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Were you a victim of studying a course you didn't really want? Please share your thoughts

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